Dubai Golden Visa: Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
What is the minimum investment amount for the Dubai Golden Visa through property ownership?
The minimum investment required is AED 2 million (approximately USD 545,000) in Dubai real estate.
Can I finance the property purchase to qualify for the Golden Visa?
Yes, you can use a mortgage from a reputable bank in Dubai to finance a portion of the property purchase. However, the minimum investment amount of AED 2 million must be paid upfront to qualify for the Golden Visa.
Are there any restrictions on the type of property I can invest in for a Golden Visa?
The property must be residential or commercial real estate located in Dubai and provided it meets the AED 2 million valuation requirement.
Can I extend the Dubai Golden Visa after 10 years?
Yes, the Golden Visa is renewable for additional 10-year periods, provided you meet the eligibility criteria at the time of renewal.
Can I include my family members in my Golden Visa application?
Absolutely! You can extend the Golden Visa benefits to your spouse, children under 21, and even your parents under your sponsorship.
What happens to my Golden Visa if I sell the property?
If you sell the property linked to your Dubai Golden Visa, you may lose your residency status unless you reinvest in another qualifying property that meets the visa requirements. It's essential to maintain the investment threshold to retain your Golden Visa benefits.